Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ted Talks


Creativity is one of the most essential aspects in a person's life. I believe that without creativity a person will never get to live life to their full potential. I agree with the lecture Sir Ken Robinson gave, especially about the part he said "Creativity now is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status."
In today's society creativity is not nurtured for and as Sir Robinson said it is being killed by education. Education is very important in today's society because without education there are only a few opportunities available for a person to earn a living.

In today's society, what people desire the most are jobs they enjoy and makiing a lot of money. For example,  if you tell parents you want to be an art major, they think you are just wasting  money on something that is irrelevant and not as useful. The opinions of individuals around you can influence a person to do something they do not want to do.  Sir Ken Robinson told a story about the ballet dancer who had ADHD but the doctor said let her dance instead of giving her some pills to calm her down. I feel like she is the lucky one because most people will end up taking the pill rather than see their dreams come to pass.
Today's education system is designed to ruin the creativity of children because it involves following rules and doing well in school. Today nobody wants to be wrong but if we are not prepared to be wrong, we will never come up with something original

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